Local Law Firms Home > Personal Injury Overview > Defective Product Injury Many individuals throughout the nation become victims of carelessness on a daily basis due to a product’s defect. As the availability of newly released consumer goods and products increase, so does the chance of getting injured due a product malfunctioning. The unfortunate thing about these types of accidents is that most of time, they could have been avoided if everyone involved in the process of designing, creating, and releasing the product were paying close to attention to every little detail and taking all proper precautions to ensure public safety. Safety warnings are often included only after someone has been injured, whether mildly or fatally.
Defective product cases usually consist of various legal claims initiated by victims or family members of the victims as a means to seek the justice that is deserved as a result of the faulty product. These lawsuits are a means of seeking out monetary damages from the party that is responsible for the product defect, whether it may be the creator, designer, distributor, or marketer. In some cases, more than one party is found liable in a product liability case. Were you or a loved one harmed as a result of a product’s harmful defect? Our personal injury lawyers can help! Speak with a product liability attorney in your area today to find out more about your claim.Did you know? Each year, it is estimated that up to three hundred products are recalled and taken off the market due to reported malfunctions from consumers or discoveries made by the company after the product has already been made public. The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission states that the majority of these recalls are toys that cause harm to children and babies. Although toys make up the majority of product recalls, other common product recalls include household appliances, tools, and furniture. |