Local Law Firms Home > Personal Injury Overview > Defective Drugs Defective drugs are prescription drugs that have been approved by the FDA and prescribed by doctors, but are then discovered to have dangerous, possibly debilitating side effects. In some causes, these defective drugs even lead to the unfortunate death of users. In some cases, the drugs in question are under investigation while still being prescribed to new users. Have you or someone you loved suffered the side effects of a defective drug? If so, one of our personal injury attorneys can help you get the compensation you deserve. Contact a personal injury attorney in your area to get started. The following medications have been determined to have dangerous, possibly deadly side effects:
Defective drugs have been approved by the FDA because the possibility of dangerous side effects was not fully discovered in clinical trials. In some cases, medications that are believed to have a huge impact are rushed through clinical trials in order to get them on the market quickly. Once a medication has been discovered to have detrimental side effects, the FDA may label them as defective and recall them from the market. Drugs are recalled when the risks outweigh the possible benefits. There are also drugs on the market that may not have been recalled, despite dangerous side effects. These are generally labeled as dangerous drugs. Defective drugs cause the serious injury or death of thousands of people every year. There must be multiple reports of negative side effects before the FDA will investigate a drug to see if it should be labeled defective. In the meantime, users are unaware of the possible investigation or ongoing investigation and putting themselves at risk of injury or death. If you or someone you love has experienced deadly or debilitating side effects as a result of using a defective drug, our personal injury lawyers can help you get the compensation you deserve.