Local Law Firms Home > Workers' Comp Law Overview > Occupational Disease Occupational Disease If your occupation is the direct culprit to the acquiring of or further developing of a disease, it is viewed as an occupational disease in the eyes of the law and you may be entitled to monetary compensation in a workers’ compensation claim. Our workers' compensation lawyers represent clients who have developed occupational diseases and assist them in obtaining the full amount of workers' compensation benefits that is rightfully owed to them. Have you or a loved one been diagnosed with an occupational disease? You may be entitled to workers’ compensation or even additional income in a personal injury lawsuit. Contact a workers’ compensation lawyer in your area for legal help today. Examples of occupational diseases include, but are not limited to the following:
You may be eligible for workers' compensation benefits if, for instance, you were a construction worker many years ago and develop cancer after years of being exposed to asbestos, or if you were employed in a bakery, inhaling flour dust every day, and later on developed a lung condition. One of the most common types of occupational diseases are the ones that result from asbestos exposure. Asbestos is an extremely dangerous substance. Used in commercial and industrial settings, especially many years ago, employees may be regularly exposed to asbestos without even realizing it. This can result in a variety of conditions, including mesothelioma (a type of cancer) and asbestosis. Asbestos, benzene and other environmental or chemical can change the whole course of your life. Do you have additional questions regarding occupational diseases? Our personal injury lawyers can help! Contact a workers’ compensation attorney near you as soon as possible for more information. If you lost a loved one because he or she contracted an occupational disease, you may be entitled to compensation in a wrongful death lawsuit. Did you know? |