Local Law Firms Home > Product Liability Overview > Food Poisoning Occasionally, certain food products, such as dairy or produce, need to be recalled due to be contaminated with bacteria that is harmful to consume. Usually, the common contaminant is E coli. In E. coli cases, outbreaks can be directly caused by carelessness during the development or preparation of food products. Our attorneys investigate potential E. coli poisoning cases throughout the country. If a severe injury or death is a direct result E. coli food poisoning, something that could often be prevented, monetary compensation may be available.
Signs of E. coli normally start with hemorrhagic colitis, which consists of abdominal cramps, vomiting and severe diarrhea. The diarrhea begins watery and often becomes bloody within 24 hours. In the early stages of an E. coli infection, medical care is often restricted to simply ensuring that the patient receives adequate nutrition and hydration. Since antibiotics do not affect the harmful E. coli bacteria, there is no designated medical treatment that cures the illness. As a matter of fact, some medical professionals strongly feel that the use of medications, such as antibiotics, may result in more severe problems. Did you know? It is not unusual for signs of E. coli to start until many days after the contaminated item is eaten. Once signs are visible and persist for more than several hours, urgent medical care needs to be sought. |