Local Law Firms Home > Child Custody & Support Overview > Modifying a Child Support Order A request to alter child support orders can be constantly made as long as a substantial or material modification of economical circumstances can be proven. The change can be either permanent or temporary, depending on the details that changed the child support order to begin with; each case is looked at and examined specifically before rulings are made. Our child support lawyers can review the facts of your face and inform you of your best likely outcome would be, and then pursue that outcome in your behalf.
Federal laws have restricted judicial discretion (the sound judgment of the court) in modifying child support payment terms. Nevertheless, courts have retained the authority to alter child support payment orders upon providing proof of substantial modification of income and other assets of either the custodial parent (the parent with custody of the child; the parent receiving the child support payments) or the non-custodial parent (the parent making the child support payments.) Other modifications can be the result of a new circumstance for the child, such as hefty medical fees, requirement for special education, or additional unanticipated costs.. Did you know? Child support payments can be altered by stipulation (a signed document presented by both parties) between the parties if child support terms have been accounted for and adhered to. Change in child support orders can also be noticed by court hearing. |