Local Law Firms Home > Asbestos Overview Asbestos Mesothelioma Overview Many construction employees were exposed to asbestos in the past on a continuous basis and were unaware of the risks involved at the time. Because of this, many people have developed fatal conditions many years later from the asbestos that their employers exposed them to in the past. Not only are individuals who have worked in the construction industry affected by asbestos exposure, but many other people, as well. A wide range of asbestos-related cases are also linked to numerous other types of jobs including, motor vehicle repair, product manufacturing, and the textiles industry. Were you or someone you know harmed due to asbestos exposure? An experienced asbestos attorney can help you pursue a lawsuit, and obtain the compensation you deserve. Contact an asbestos mesothelioma lawyer in your area for more information today. Asbestos-related lung diseases are diseases caused when a person is exposed to asbestos fibers. These tiny fibrous minerals, when inhaled, can stay in the lungs for a long period of time, and once it builds up in the lungs can lead to a fatal illnesses. Below are some of the types of asbestos-related diseases a person may suffer from due to asbestos exposure:
People who have been diagnosed with an asbestos-related diseases, like mesothelioma not only have been robbed of their economic stability while corporations that manufactured, distributed and used asbestos profited, but also of their lives and well-being. On behalf of those affected, our experienced attorneys have filed many lawsuits in order to help victims receive monetary compensation in order to provide economic security, and to cover all medical expenses during these difficult times. Diagnosis and medical treatment of any type of cancer is costly; mesothelioma or asbestosis is no exception to this and may even be more expensive to victims and their loved ones. Finding the right asbestos lawyer that possesses the necessary skills needed to properly and fully investigate these claims is crucial in maximizing the potential settlement values for victims who have been exposed to asbestos in the past. Our asbestos lawyers are here to help. Do you have questions or concerns regarding being exposed to asbestos? If so, contact an asbestos mesothelioma lawyer to discuss how you may be entitled to compensation for any health complications due to asbestos or mesothelioma. Did you know? |