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Car Accident Lawyer

A car accident happens when a passenger vehicle is involved in an incident or series of incidents that result in harm, property damage, and/or death. According to a recent one-year study conducted by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 82 percent of car accidents involved a collision with another car, while the remaining 18 percent involved crashes with non-motorized and stationary objects. As such, the majority of car accidents involve at least two vehicles. The same study also showed that 6,087,000 vehicles were involved in an accident that resulted in property damage and/or harm to some extent. Additionally, more than a million people that year were seriously harmed as a result of these accidents. A car accident can be a tragic, life-altering event that can result in catastrophic injury or even death. It is completely unacceptable when it was the carelessness and negligence of another driver that resulted in your accident. Sadly, these types of accidents are far too common as motorists are paying less attention to the road while driving and becoming more distracted. This can have a serious impact on the affected victims, leaving some severely injured, permanently harmed, and financially devastated as a result of being unable to work while facing large amounts of medical bills.

Were you or a loved one injured in a car accident as a result of a negligent driver? Our car accident lawyers are here to help and work at getting you the monetary compensation you deserve. Contact a car accident lawyer today to learn more about how you can recover financial damages in a personal injury lawsuit.

According to statistics, an alarming 121 people are killed each day in car accidents. This also does not include the non-fatal, yet devastating effects that a car accident can result in. A car accident can result in multiple bone fractures, spinal cord injury, brain injury, paralysis, and much more. A victim’s life can be completely changed forever as a result of another motorist’s foolish mistake.

Common causes of car accidents include:

  • Drunk driving
  • Texting while driving
  • Driving under the influence of drugs
  • Poor weather
  • Driver inexperience
  • Driver distractions
  • Poor road conditions and/or road design
  • Driver inattentiveness
  • Reckless driving and speeding
  • Failing to yield or stop when required

Negligence typically must be proven in order to receive monetary compensation through a court award or from an insurance company. The term “negligence” is a legal one that means an individual did not act in a responsible, reasonable, and careful manner. When it comes to car accidents, negligence is discovered based on facts that are uncovered from eyewitness and expert witness testimony, the police report, sketches and photographs of the car accident scene, and more. In order to prove negligence in a car accident case, it is important to show evidence that confirms someone’s recklessness was what resulted in the automobile accident, that the car accident resulted in harm, and that the party to blame is liable for compensating for any harm inflicted. If more than one person involved in the car crash is to blame, responsibility may be distributed among the multiple parties according to percentage of fault. This is known as comparative negligence. Because you are likely injured to some extent, looking after an injured loved one, or mourning the loss of a loved one following a car accident, the last thing you need to worry about is proving negligence in your case. This is where we come in: A car accident lawyer will gather all the necessary facts, data, and evidence that can prove the other party’s negligence. Our car accident lawyers do all the footwork that is necessary to get you the monetary compensation and justice you deserve.

Receiving a monetary settlement from a car accident lawsuit normally means receiving money to compensate for having your car fixed, in addition to your lost income, medical costs, bills for physiological and physical pain, and loss of quality of life. If a spouse, family member, or child was killed in a car accident as a result of a negligent driver, the compensation you would recover would be from a wrongful death lawsuit. This monetary compensation is meant to cover funeral expenses, loss of companionship, loss of income (if applicable), and so on.

Did you lose a loved one as a result of another driver’s recklessness? Our car accident lawyers are available to help you through this difficult time. Although we understand that monetary compensation cannot bring back a loved one, we fight for something much more important: justice. Contact a car accident lawyer today for more information about pursuing a wrongful death lawsuit against the negligent party.